
Pregnancy Update: Week 30 – Being Stroked From the Inside!

This week Baby C is as big a Hawaiian pineapple and weighs as much as a cabbage. I’d say they aren’t as prickly as a pineapple but with the prods I’ve been getting who knows? My bump still doesn’t seem to have gotten much bigger but it has changed a little since last week.

Although I can’t see the difference in my bump I can certainly feel it. We’ve officially lost the ability to bend, I have now mastered squatting for everything. So glamorous!

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Review: Lollipop 4D Baby Scans

This was the first time we’ve seen the baby awake and it was amazing, the sheer detail of the 4D scan is astounding and you have to remind yourself that what you’re seeing is actually taking place inside you at that moment in time. Baby spent some time rubbing their nose and opening their mouth which was fascinating to see.


The Baby and Toddler Show 2014

September 28th saw us make our way down to our local exhibition centre at Event City in Manchester for the Baby and Toddler Show, I’d been waiting for weeks in anticipation of this particular weekend as we planned to buy many of the items on our list there. Unfortunately I failed to take any pictures while at the show as I was in full on mum-to-be mode taking in everything around me and not blogger mode!

Pregnancy Update: Week 28 – Breakdancing Baby

This week Baby C is as big as a Coconut and weighs as much as an Aubergine, that’s pretty big compared to the poppy seed they started out to be at around 4 weeks. Baby is still piling on the fat and getting bigger although the size of my bump doesn’t seem to have changed much this week it does feel tighter.

Pregnancy Update: Week 27 – The Third Trimester

Wow week 27 already, the THIRD trimester, to think I’ve been carrying this tiny miracle since April is amazing. This week my bump has grown even more (I imagine this is going to be a weekly occurrence? haha) I actually look pregnant now and people aren’t holding back on telling me, but it feels good!

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