Pregnancy Update: Week 30 - Being Stroked From the Inside!

This week Baby C is as big a Hawaiian pineapple and weighs as much as a cabbage. I’d say they aren’t as prickly as a pineapple but with the prods I’ve been getting who knows? My bump still doesn’t seem to have gotten much bigger but it has changed a little since last week.

Although I can’t see the difference in my bump I can certainly feel it. We’ve officially lost the ability to bend, I have now mastered squatting for everything. So glamorous!


The strangest thing to happen this week has to be the moment I was lying on my side at 4am (after my 5th toilet trip of the night, pregnancy make you pee!) when I felt baby move all along my side. Unlike the usual prods it was like somebody was stroking my bump, from the inside. Oooooh spoooky.

To say it felt strange would be an understatement it was actually a little eery and prompted me to move onto my other side, I can only guess that I was putting pressure on baby and they weren’t having any of it. I’m just glad baby likes to move a lot now which puts my mind at ease.


We also had our rescan at Lollipop 4D Baby Scans and you can read all about it here where you’ll see more pictures of Baby C in all his 3D glory!

I personally think he looks rather cute, but I would think that wouldn’t I? If anything I think seeing baby in so much detail has gotten me more excited to meet him. With only 10 weeks left to go, which I hear are the slowest weeks, it shouldn’t be THAT long until we get to give this baby a big squish!

  • LeeLeeLoves

    Not long, how scary! I’ll have to bring him to Leeds one day.

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