
Milestone: Taylor is 4 Weeks Old, and Finally Sleeping!

Today marks the day that Taylor is four weeks old, 29/01/15, on Sunday he’ll be one month old. It’s gone so fast I feel like I’ve blinked and almost a month of his life has passed us by. I’ve been taking every opportunity to simply hold him and have endless cuddles, he’s already grown and changed so much.


Review: The grohush Baby Calmer

The grohush baby calmer is a white noise generator from The Gro Company.

Designed specifically to calm your baby, the gro hush comes in a handy clear plastic case with a removable and washable cover, it has three noise settings all set to a baby safe volume. One to mimic mummys heartbeat, as babies are used to this sound from being in the womb, calming raindrops on a tin roof and whooshing ocean waves.


Milestone: Taylor is 2 Weeks Old – Daddy Returns to Work

Baby T is already two weeks old and he has changed so much since he was born, Its amazing how fast they grow.

This week Phillip went back to work, I was a little nervous about my first day alone with T but it wasn’t bad at all. He is so laid back and relaxed most of the time, although I must admit It’s nice when Phillip comes home in the evening to have another adult to talk to. Taylor and I have some very one sided conversations during the day.

Milestone: Taylor’s First Week in The World

I’ve been a mum for an entire week and it has been the most surreal yet amazing week of my life. How has a week with this amazing tiny person passed us by so quickly? Should we have a cake to celebrate?
We brought Taylor home on Saturday the 3rd of January at 9:00pm after spending two nights in hospital, this was because I’d lost a lot of blood and could barely stand without blacking out, otherwise we would have been home sooner…

Pregnancy Update: Week 30 – Being Stroked From the Inside!

This week Baby C is as big a Hawaiian pineapple and weighs as much as a cabbage. I’d say they aren’t as prickly as a pineapple but with the prods I’ve been getting who knows? My bump still doesn’t seem to have gotten much bigger but it has changed a little since last week.

Although I can’t see the difference in my bump I can certainly feel it. We’ve officially lost the ability to bend, I have now mastered squatting for everything. So glamorous!

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