Milestone: Taylor's First Week in The World

I’ve been a mum for an entire week and it has been the most surreal yet amazing week of my life. How has a week with this amazing tiny person passed us by so quickly? Should we have a cake to celebrate?

We brought Taylor home on Saturday the 3rd of January at 9:00pm after spending two nights in hospital, this was because I’d lost a lot of blood and could barely stand without blacking out, otherwise we would have been home sooner.

The midwife came on Sunday morning after another night of zero sleep and weighed him, he hasn’t lost too much of his birth weight and is down to 6lb07oz from 6lb14oz. He will be weighed again in one week to check this has come back up and he is feeding enough, It feels like he is constantly feeding so hopefully this won’t be a problem.

So far T doesn’t like being put down in his own bed at night and prefers to be held, this means he sleeps while I sit awake all night as I am terrified by the idea of co-sleeping in our bed. This is why we have the Snüzpod, so he can be close without it being dangerous. Apparently 8am is the perfect time to sleep in his own bed, this Is when I’ve been sleeping, I hope once he gets day and night figured out we can both sleep at night.

Since bringing him home Dexter and Luna (The cats) seem very confused, I don’t think they understand what he is yet. They will get close enough to smell him but if he moves it startles them. They’re also making strange noises. I’m sure they’ll be best friends soon enough.

We’re still adjusting to our new life, getting used to one another and enjoying every second as a family of three (five with the furries!)



Tired of having my picture taken!


Dexter investigating the new bald kitten.

Cuddles with Daddy when we came home.

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