
Milestone: So Taylor’s Mobile at 7 Months

Today you are seven months old 01/08/2015 – You’re a lot more mobile than you were last month, you can now commando crawl the length of the room in seconds dragging your legs and pushing yourself forward with such determination…


Milestone: Happy Half a Year! – Taylor is 6 Months Old

Today you are six months old 01/07/2015, halfway through your first year and six months away from your first Birthday, how is that even possible? I say this every month but time really is passing us by so fast, people love to tell parents of newborns to cherish every minute and they’re right.


Preparing to Wean With Vital Baby + Top Tips!

As Taylor approached the six month mark I knew we needed to start preparing for the big W, WEANING! As a first time mum I really was clueless and unlike other mums I know, our HV hasn’t contacted us at all about weaning, thankfully the team at Vital Baby did and wanted to help guide us.


Baby Style: What Taylor Wore #5

This weeks outfit fast became a firm favourite, Taylor recently moved into his 3-6 month clothing and I absolutely love these Dungarees from House of Fraser. These dunagress are from a brand named Rockabye Baby and retail at £29, they’re really cute and stylish and when they’re not in the wash he’s been wearing them.

Tales of Teething: Taylor Cuts a Tooth!

This week saw Taylor cut his first tooth, after months of dribble and flushed cheeks his left central incisor has completely cut through the gum! I’ve tried on numerous occasions to get a picture of it coming through but it’s really not happening, every time I try he chews or sucks my hand instead.


Our Week in Pictures : #3

This week we attended our first Baby Sensory class, Tails absolutely loved it. It was like a challenge to see how many rattles, bells and balls he could try to eat within an hour. I’m still getting the hang off the songs but it really was a sensory delight for the little man. He slept so well on the way home!

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