Tales of Teething: Taylor Cuts a Tooth!

This week saw Taylor cut his first tooth, after months of dribble and flushed cheeks his left central incisor has completely cut through the gum!

I’ve tried on numerous occasions to get a picture of it coming through but it’s really not happening, every time I try he chews or sucks my hand instead.



If Taylor could speak and give a speech in regards to this particular milestone I think he would like to say thanks to his best friend Sophie! She hasn’t left his side and has helped him through this difficult time, even when he has literally tried to bite her head off on numerous occasions, she’s still been there for him.

Oh Sophie, you’re the best friend a teething child could ask for!

I’m not sure when most people count it as getting a a first tooth, from cutting through or being completely up and on show? Do let me know.

Either way It’s there and it’s blooming sharp! Granddad learnt this the hard way on Thursday, he also told me they usually come in twos and now (Sunday) his right central incisor is half through.

I can’t believe my tiny 5 month old will soon have two pearly whites, he’s still a tiny newborn in my eyes.


From around 3 weeks old T has had his top left lateral incisor laying in wait so I really thought, although unconventional to the natural order, that this would come through first.

Overall he’s handled teething really well so far, we’ve had the odd night requiring Calpol and some use of teething gel but he’s not letting it get him down.

We’re  looking forward to many toothy grins once these bottom teeth completely sprout up.




  • Aww he is growing so quickly. My niece has a sophie for teething, she loves it. I just bought a leash for it to attach to her pram, they are such a good idea.

    • LeeLeeLoves

      We love it, he’s obsessed! I’m also looking into getting something for it to attach to the pram when we’re out & about. He was in the carrycot until a week ago so it didn’t matter. Xx

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