Baby Style: What Taylor Wore #5

This weeks outfit fast became a firm favourite, Taylor recently moved into his 3-6 month clothing and I absolutely love these Dungarees from House of Fraser.


These dunagress are from a brand named Rockabye Baby and retails at £29, they’re really cute and stylish and when they’re not in the wash he’s been wearing them. They have a very cute black and white striped pocked on the side and the brand name on the back. With poppers to the shoulders and and between the legs making them easy to put on and remove.


The material is a very soft cotton with a nice loose fit so they’ve been perfect for movement, Taylor has been non-stop rolling the last few weeks. I also love that his feet are out and the material is perfect for summer.

He’s wore them for play dates, baby sensory, walks in the baby carrier and rolling around the house, after numerous washes and wear they look as good as new, I just wish he wasn’t going to outgrow them eventually!


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