Our Week in Pictures : #3

This week we attended our first Baby Sensory class, Tails absolutely loved it. It was like a challenge to see how many rattles, bells and balls he could try to eat within an hour. I’m still getting the hang off the songs but it really was a sensory delight for the little man. He slept so well on the way home!

We started our week with the heart breaking news that Taylor’s nanny Mags, the lovely lady who made my Dad happy again had passed away. I will write more about Taylor and his amazing nanny Mags, she was a truly lovely lady and we can’t believe she is gone. Here’s a picture of Maggie and Taylor the day he was born, she absolutely adored him and I’m so thankful for that.

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After a recent family walk that saw us struggling to get the pram around a reservoir we decided to invest in a sturdy baby carrier, we purchase the Stokke My Carrier Cool and headed out for a little family picnic in the sunshine. Taylor loved it! He’s always been rather clingy and he really liked the closeness, he fell asleep half way around our walk. I think I’ll be hoovering and doing dishes with this!


Although Tails is still rather small this weekend saw us packing away the carrycot to his Urbo2, he’s spent the last week rolling over in it, pulling himself up and trying to sit in it. He’s still a bit dinky in the seat but seems a lot happier being able to sit up and look around. Our boy is growing up so quickly!


This week also saw me host my first Medela Mum Breastfeeding Café, I was worried nobody would come but two lovely ladies did. I learnt some great new tips, enjoyed a hot drink and cake whilst making two new mummy friends with our little ones. What’s not to love? I can’t wait to arrange our next meet.

It’s been a busy week filled with new activities, we also had our usual swimming lesson Saturday and Taylor cut his first tooth, I’ve saved that milestones for a post of its own, my tiny baby has teeth! We were also thrilled to find out we’re finalists in The MAD Blog Awards and my cousins had her beautiful baby girl Evie Hope on Friday, a very full week of mixed emotions!

Let’s hope the week ahead starts off better making more happy memories.


TOTS100 - UK Parent Blogs
MADS Finalist 2015
Medela Mum
Huggies Wipes Blogger
Progressive Preschool
Just for Tiny People Blogger Fairy