
Milestone: Getting the Giggles – Taylor is 8 Weeks Old

Taylor turned 8 weeks old last Thursday, I can’t believe how fast time is passing us by. I thought being at home all day with a baby would be filled with long stressful days but it’s the complete opposite, T is spending a lot more time awake during the day now which is fun for both of us even if our day does begin at 5am, he spends much of his time smiling at me and shouting. Of course he isn’t perfect, I do get screamed at for half of the day, and pooped at. It’s all part of the adventure!

Milestone: Taylor is 4 Weeks Old, and Finally Sleeping!

Today marks the day that Taylor is four weeks old, 29/01/15, on Sunday he’ll be one month old. It’s gone so fast I feel like I’ve blinked and almost a month of his life has passed us by. I’ve been taking every opportunity to simply hold him and have endless cuddles, he’s already grown and changed so much.


Milestone: Taylor is 2 Weeks Old – Daddy Returns to Work

Baby T is already two weeks old and he has changed so much since he was born, Its amazing how fast they grow.

This week Phillip went back to work, I was a little nervous about my first day alone with T but it wasn’t bad at all. He is so laid back and relaxed most of the time, although I must admit It’s nice when Phillip comes home in the evening to have another adult to talk to. Taylor and I have some very one sided conversations during the day.

Pregnancy update: Week 39 – Almost there…

It’s the final week before our EDD and I can’t believe this tiny person has been growing inside of me for nine months! It has literally flown by and I’m more than ready to meet our little bundle, theirs a good chance we could go over by a week or two especially with this being my first. However, this has been such a simple text book pregnancy so far that I don’t mind waiting. I actually think I’m going to miss this jiggly little bump of mine.

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