
Our Week in Pictures: #1

I take a lot of pictures each week, even more so since getting a new camera and I don’t always have a post that they fit into in order to share them, which brings me to Tails of The Week, a homonym of our nickname for Taylor [Tails]

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Taylor’s First Easter Basket

Gifts aren’t something I would usually associate with easter, when I was growing up it was always a chocolate egg and that’s your lot, however as this is Taylor’s first ever Easter I wanted to do something. At 3 months old the only way he’s having a chocolate egg is if I eat it first, which is one idea I’m not totally against 😉


Milestone: Getting the Giggles – Taylor is 8 Weeks Old

Taylor turned 8 weeks old last Thursday, I can’t believe how fast time is passing us by. I thought being at home all day with a baby would be filled with long stressful days but it’s the complete opposite, T is spending a lot more time awake during the day now which is fun for both of us even if our day does begin at 5am, he spends much of his time smiling at me and shouting. Of course he isn’t perfect, I do get screamed at for half of the day, and pooped at. It’s all part of the adventure!

Win: A Shmuncki Liberty Print Vest

I am a huge fan of floral prints and brands such a Liberty and Cath Kidston so the Liberty range by Shmuncki instantly appealed to me, of course I doubt Taylor would appreciate it if I were to dress him in floral dresses and sleepsuits but the Shmuncki range is subtle enough to be gender neutral if you like a pop of floral, and it looks so stylish!


Review: Shmuncki Baby Clothing

One of my favourite things has always been shopping, and since having T of course it’s all about babies. I’ve found it hard to find baby brands that sell something different and unique to those found on the high-street and love to be a little bit different. Then I found Shmuncki!


Review: House of Fraser Childrenswear

As a first time mum I’ve found that my outlook on things such as shopping has completely changed, before I became pregnant I would treat myself on a monthly basis from my favourite department stores whether it be going to a makeup concession or my favourite brand of clothing, I would shop! Since being pregnant and becoming a mum I’ve had a few shopping trips and each time I have failed to buy anything for myself, not because I can’t buy for myself anymore but because I just don’t want anything! However I always find things for baby T.

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