
The Consultant says… A 36 Week Pregnancy Update

A Romaine Lettuce. That’s approximately the size our little bundle of a baby should be right about now. But at 36 weeks the baby is still measuring small. Below the 10th centile and not progressing as the doctors would like. She’s still got little to no fluid to dance in and is officially set to be […]

The perils of pregnancy and the inability to sleep! ft Pregnancy Pillows

It’s happening. If you’ve been pregnant before you’ll know what I’m talking about. That transition your body starts to make during the final months of pregnancy to prepare you for what’s to come. Sleep. And the inability to get any. Waking throughout the night to go to the loo, only to find you didn’t need it. Shaking off those restless […]

Not sure where to give birth? It’s your choice…

Did you know that you can choose to have your baby in a hospital, a birthing centre or at home? Wherever you choose to give birth, your experience should be a positive one. CQC publishes reports to help you make the best choice for you. As the arrival of our second baby looms closer it’s […]


We’re having a baby!

If you follow our social channels then you’ll already be aware, we’re having a baby. Little Fox is being promoted to big brother! I thought it’s about time we put this out there via the blog, Considering we’re already half way there. It seems to go so much faster when you already have a child to […]

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Breastfeeding with Breastvest

One thing I found to be difficult whilst pregnant was clothing. What do you wear when you have a huge bump that none of your clothes will stretch over? Let’s face it, pregnancy fashion isn’t always the best.  I did however find Bibee – and they were great! During my pregnancy I found myself longing […]


Nursing a Newborn – The Early Days, with Medela

It’s been 20 days since I officially became a mother and with that a member of what seems to be an elite club of people who spend their nights staring down into the eyes of tiny people who feed at all hours. In those moments sitting in the dimly lit night whilst your partner snores away next to you, when those big eyes are staring back at you and you feel nothing but love, you forget that you haven’t slept for three nights, you’re middle of the night snacks are just out of arms reach, baby is already feeding and you need the loo!

TOTS100 - UK Parent Blogs
MADS Finalist 2015
Medela Mum
Huggies Wipes Blogger
Progressive Preschool
Just for Tiny People Blogger Fairy