
What Taylor Wore – The Boxing Day Edition

As much as I wanted to get out and make the most of being off together as a family our Christmas break was mostly spent indoors, due to the awful weather, although we did manage to to fit in a few fun days with family. We spent boxing day with Phill’s family and had a very much […]


Baby Style: What Taylor Wore #5

This weeks outfit fast became a firm favourite, Taylor recently moved into his 3-6 month clothing and I absolutely love these Dungarees from House of Fraser. These dunagress are from a brand named Rockabye Baby and retail at £29, they’re really cute and stylish and when they’re not in the wash he’s been wearing them.

Baby Style: What Taylor Wore #2

This week Taylor has worn some really cute little outfits, who doesn’t love a baby covered in cookie monsters? He’s starting to look so grown up and probably has more clothing than me! Here’s a few of the outfits Taylor wore this week.

Win: A Shmuncki Liberty Print Vest

I am a huge fan of floral prints and brands such a Liberty and Cath Kidston so the Liberty range by Shmuncki instantly appealed to me, of course I doubt Taylor would appreciate it if I were to dress him in floral dresses and sleepsuits but the Shmuncki range is subtle enough to be gender neutral if you like a pop of floral, and it looks so stylish!


Review: Shmuncki Baby Clothing

One of my favourite things has always been shopping, and since having T of course it’s all about babies. I’ve found it hard to find baby brands that sell something different and unique to those found on the high-street and love to be a little bit different. Then I found Shmuncki!


Review: House of Fraser Childrenswear

As a first time mum I’ve found that my outlook on things such as shopping has completely changed, before I became pregnant I would treat myself on a monthly basis from my favourite department stores whether it be going to a makeup concession or my favourite brand of clothing, I would shop! Since being pregnant and becoming a mum I’ve had a few shopping trips and each time I have failed to buy anything for myself, not because I can’t buy for myself anymore but because I just don’t want anything! However I always find things for baby T.

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