
Our weaning adventure with Vital Baby Weaning Essentials #WeaningWarriors

Taylor has been weaning for a few months now and it’s safe to say my baby loves food! We decided to approach weaning with a combination of Babyled weaning and spoon feeding Purée giving Taylor the opportunity to experience all types of tastes and textures. So far their haven’t been many foods Taylor hasn’t enjoyed, however […]


Milestone: 8 months and moving out!

Dear Taylor, It’s now the 1st of September you are eight months old. As I write this, I’m clutching onto the baby monitor like my life depends on it as tonight is your first night in your own bedroom. I usually write these updates whilst you sleep next to me in your Snüzpod. Tonight is the first night in the eight months that I won’t be going to sleep holding onto your tiny hand, and it’s a lot harder than I imagined it would be.


Preparing to Wean With Vital Baby + Top Tips!

As Taylor approached the six month mark I knew we needed to start preparing for the big W, WEANING! As a first time mum I really was clueless and unlike other mums I know, our HV hasn’t contacted us at all about weaning, thankfully the team at Vital Baby did and wanted to help guide us.

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