
Preparing to Wean With Vital Baby + Top Tips!

As Taylor approached the six month mark I knew we needed to start preparing for the big W, WEANING! As a first time mum I really was clueless and unlike other mums I know, our HV hasn’t contacted us at all about weaning, thankfully the team at Vital Baby did and wanted to help guide us.


Super Tasty Choc Chip Cookies

This week has seen me getting back into my baking groove, whilst Taylor’s had ten minutes going crazy in his Jumperoo I’ve been throwing together batches of these super tasty cookies. They’re similar to Millies or Subway cookies so they’re very sweet and they take minutes to make, totally mum-proof. Also great to get toddlers and older children involved in making!


Tasty Chocolate Dessert Muffins

The perfect treat to make on a rainy Sunday! I can tell you we have been having a lot of those lately so cakes and cookies are coming out of our ears, this recipe was really easy to follow and the results were very tasty too.

Note that these muffins are from an English recipe so the mix is for 12 but they rise to the height of a standard size cup/fairy cake case or deep muffin tin. I used large muffin cases as they are all I had. The perfect treat to make on a rainy Sunday!

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