
Review: The Medela Swing and Harmony Breastpumps

Since before Taylor was born I knew that, if I could, I wanted to breastfeed. With the help and support of Medela we’ve been doing great. Taylor is now 14 weeks old and exclusively breastfed, I always look at him in wonderment when he feeds at the sheer joy I feel knowing he has grown, developed and thrived solely through me.
I’ve been using the Medela Swing Electric and Harmony Manual breastpump to start stock-piling my milk, I’m due to continue my driving lessons so I need to prepare for spending time away from Tails.


Nursing a Newborn – The Early Days, with Medela

It’s been 20 days since I officially became a mother and with that a member of what seems to be an elite club of people who spend their nights staring down into the eyes of tiny people who feed at all hours. In those moments sitting in the dimly lit night whilst your partner snores away next to you, when those big eyes are staring back at you and you feel nothing but love, you forget that you haven’t slept for three nights, you’re middle of the night snacks are just out of arms reach, baby is already feeding and you need the loo!

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