The Babyzen YoYo+ Stroller in Review

We have been testing the Babyzen YoYo+ Stroller for two months now. Putting it through the paces of daily life with a toddler. That’s a lot of testing with a person who can’t walk more than 10 steps without falling on his face.

From public transport to strolls around the park I’ve found the stroller to be easy to use. It’s light weight, compact, and based on the amount of times Taylor has napped in it, comfortable too!


The stroller seat goes from upright to reclining with a simple pull strap on the back. So it’s no trouble when he does nap, it’s simple yet effective. It’s easier to adjust than our bulky travel system which can be a faff.

The fold on this stroller is amazing, maybe it’s where they got the name YoYo from? Because it really does go up and down as quickly as one. With enough practice you could do it one handed. I’m not THAT good just yet, but I’ll keep trying. Their should be a world record for fastest pram folder, maybe their already is?


My favourite thing about the Babyzen YoYo is its size, it’s so compact when folded. It takes up so little space in both the house and car. It comes with a shoulder strap too so you can carry it like a shoulder bag. It’s also easy to fit through narrow spaces. Ideal for when cars park on the pavement blocking footpaths.

It’s so small and lightweight you can take it on a flight as hand luggage. We haven’t done this yet but I know when the time comes it’s the YoYo+ we’ll be taking with us!


I’ve used it on public transport too. I’d usually park the pram in the space provided and if their isn’t any space wait 30 minutes for another bus. On this occasion I was able to fold it up and fit it on the luggage rack. Something I never would have been able to do with my larger pram.

Another great thing, which we haven’t tested as T is now too big. You can use the YoYo+ from birth. Their is a nest and car seat adapters you can buy that allow you to use the stroller with a newborn. If you don’t need a big travel system you could just use this. I’m impressed you can even attach your car seat to a stroller.

Retailing at £339 from 6 month + or £485 all in from birth it’s a purchase that’s going to last and due to it’s compact size and durability it’s suitable for most occasions.


It’s strong and robust unlike most strollers. I’ve always been against off the idea of a stroller, they always look weak and flimsy to me. I’m surprised to say I’ve really enjoyed using the Babyzen YoYo+. To have something that’s small and lightweight when we need to nip to the shops or keep in the car is great.

What do you look for most when choosing a pram? Pop us your YOYO+ questions and we’ll put your query to the test! #TaylorTriesYoYo

Follow our instagram snaps of moments with the YOYO+ using the tag #TaylorTriesYoYo

If you would like more info or to purchase, the Babyzen Yoyo+ retails at a RRP of £339 for the 6m+ set and £485 from birth. Both can be found here – We were sent the YOYO+ in exchange for a honest review, all opinions are my own –

  • Kathryn Lord

    I was with needing how you found the wheels and how noisy they are?

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  • Laura Stevens

    I’m thinking about buying this over a travel system is there anything it misses that one of the heavier travel systems would give me?

    • Lisa – LeeLeeLoves

      You’d have to buy the newborn set separately but on the whole I’d say the only thing you’d really miss is an adjustable handle bar. It doesn’t height adjust. Overall as a nippy pushchair for daily use it’s brilliant. It would depend on the type of terrains you expect to push it on daily though. x

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