You Know You're Nesting When...

All of sudden everything in your house is just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The flour jar in your kitchen isn’t labelled, the bathroom soap dispenser just isn’t suitable and the pet bed is clearly in need of being replaced. Or is it? Of course it because all of sudden no matter what it may be, from the way the tins line up in your pantry to the disorganised mess in the cupboard of your guest room it must be organised.

Has this happened to you? In the weeks leading up to my maternity leave I was itching to clear out the entire house and once the day finally arrived that was it the decluttering commenced.

The problem is I was 8 months pregnant by this point which means everything happened very slowly. Cleaning the en-suite with the steamer took an entire day even though it wasn’t actually grubby to begin with and clearing out that guest room cupboard is taking days rather than hours.

We clearly needed that new soap dispenser, and to paint the window ledge

Now we’re two weeks away from our EDD the bump is very heavy yet my nesting brain is still there, my plans to read christmas themed novellas and drink gingerbread lattes all day like a lady of leisure is yet to surface. Instead I’m obsessed with buying tiny baskets to sit things in. If its in a basket then surely it’ more organised?

Storage baskets + shelves to double cupboard space!

Everything must have a place or purpose, if not why do we have it?
For instance those skinny jeans I’ve had in a storage box since I was 18, if they were ever going to fit again I might actually want to buy a new pair as a reward. I’m finding items in our house that we’re clinging onto for no reason whatsoever and its time to be ruthless.

This is also the perfect opportunity to give things to charity, if it hasn’t been worn in the last 6 months their is a reason, so its going. I may regret some of these decisions months from now when I decide I actually really loved that Dr Pepper branded tshirt but I’m sure I’ll get over it and for now the house is starting to look very organised.

Use dividers when organising drawers in the nursery!
Buy the cats a new bed, whether they wanted it or not

Since my nesting began I’ve started to follow these simple rules seen on the infographic below, if its not needed its going. My trash really could be somebody else’s gold. Do you have any great space saving or decluttering tips that you swear by?

* Infographic source –  Eco-Movers the Man and Van service

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