The last few weeks have flown by! It feels like we only just told everyone our news yet here we are already creeping up to 25 weeks. I’ll be looking to start weekly updates now that more is happening in terms of physical changes and pregnancy experiences.
Since my last update I’ve definitely seen my tummy start to ‘pop’ and I really do have a bump! It’s been gradually getting bigger since week 20 and hasn’t stopped, this is surprising as on top of my growing belly and my new instinct to eat like a horse I haven’t actually gained much weight. I thought I’d have been piling on the pounds by now but I am still only 2lbs up on my pre-pregnancy weight.
The most exciting news this month has to be that The Man has finally felt baby kick, only once, but it was very exciting. I think moments like these are what make the entire experience more real for the Dad-to-be as their are only so many ways they can feel involved.
We also had that all important 20 week anomaly scan where they check that your little minion has all of its limbs and organs in place, this is also when they can take a peek at their privates and tell you what you’re having!
We decided if they could see then we wanted to find out, but if baby wasn’t up to showing then we would wait for a surprise. Our little one happened to spend most of the scan with it’s legs crossed, its back to us and hands in front of their face, the sonographer did however say she was fairly certain our tiny person was a BOY! She said this more than once but she wasn’t overly convincing. We are set on the idea that our baby is a boy though. The Man comes from a family of all boys, who also have boys. Their mum has been longing for a girl in the family but it just hasn’t happened, maybe next time!
Although we had decided against splashing out on things such a 3D scans we couldn’t turn down a bargain when Lollipop Scans appeared on groupon offering a 3D scan for £49! In addition to this super saving when It came to checking out I got a groupon discount of £10. They still have an offer available and you can check that out here.
We’re going take the opportunity if possible to confirm our tiny man does indeed have tiny man parts, the buying has already begun so I hope he does. We’ve kept receipts to everything just incase.
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