Not a day goes by without their being a tabloid or another pushy parent to indirectly, tell me where I’m going wrong as a parent. How intelligent my child is, or isn’t. If they’re set to become the next Einstein or class clown.
Here are 10 signs on what I think constitutes a ‘gifted’ baby, the future generation of Einsteins who are currently under 12 months old.
1. Your baby can sit up unaided, and they’re 3 minutes old.
2. Your baby doesn’t sit unaided until they’re 6 months old.
3. Your baby is eating solids with silverware, it’s their first day of weaning.
4. Your baby would rather lick the carpet or the cat than show any interest in weaning.
5. Your baby weighs more than a small horse.
6. Your baby is so small they could fit into your pocket.
7. Your baby NEVER watches television, you wouldn’t want to warp their innocent little mind.
8. Your baby knows the theme to ‘Something Special’ and enjoys television, in moderation.
9. Your baby is walking and talking at 4 months.
10. Your baby is content sucking their own toes and gurgling at 4 months.
I think we can all agree that based on this all of our children are gifted little pooping genius’. They’re all going to change the world in their own way. whether it be big accomplishments or small we need to stop labeling and judging the development of babies! Little Bob next door might be walking at 9 months when Sue doesn’t move until she’s 14 months, big deal?
Each child learns at their own individual pace, a pace that is right for them and makes them more comfortable when achieving these milestones.
Taylor’s friend sat and stood before him, but he walked before her. She said her first word before him and now he says more words than her. Next week she might recite the dictionary. It doesn’t mean either of them is ‘smarter’ than the other. They’re just babes.
Don’t wish your baby away.