Introducing a new bedtime routine with Bubbaroo

When the lovely folks at Bubbaroo heard of our bedtime woes and asked if we would like to work with them on a sleep related project, including access to professional baby sleep experts, I didn’t need to think twice. This is exactly what we needed!

Over the next few weeks we’re going to be trying a new bedtime routine with Taylor, our overall aim is to try and reduce how much he relies on breastfeeding. And stop him from using me to fall asleep before I return to work full time in January.

This week I had my telephone consultation with Infant Sleep Consultants to discuss how we could achieve this which was more helpful than I had anticipated.
In order for Katie at The Baby Sleep Experts to understand what our situation was I had to give a breakdown of Taylors eating and sleeping habits.


By documenting Taylors eating and sleeping habits for four days prior to the consultation we were able to see that he only has one short nap a day, Katie has suggested he needs to have more sleep throughout the day than he is currently getting, this will prevent him from becoming overtired and cranky by bed time. Also giving me more time to drink hot cups of tea and write, I’m certainly willing to try this.

My main focus was to discuss feeding, Taylor goes to bed each night by being breastfed to sleep. My concern has always been what happens when he’s no longer being breastfed? We need to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later!

The other issue we’ve been having aside from the odd couple of night time wakeups, namely due to teething, is him waking each night between going to bed at 8:00pm and 12:00am, and again, my breastfeeding him back to sleep each time.


So, what’s the plan?

I’ve opted to ease into the change rather than the option of placing him in his cot sans-feed and going in to say ‘shhh’ every two minutes and hoping he learns it’s sleep time. I personally don’t think I could handle it!

Phase one 1 –  Rock, don’t feed

To start with we’re going to try and teach Taylor to fall asleep after he’s been fed and not during, this means he’ll still be breastfed at bed time but taken off before he falls asleep to then be rocked to sleep.

If he wakes in the night before 1.30am he isn’t to be fed. Any wake up before then I can give him a few minutes to settle and if he is getting upset go in and rock him back to sleep

I’ll be writing a blog post about phase one after one week to let you all know how we get on, all being well we shall then move onto phase 2 and gradually work way up to a better bed time routine.

Last night was our first night and he took it really well. So exciting!


I’ll also be sharing tweets / Instagram posts of our journey using the tag #BubbarooBabySleepDiary be sure to follow our progress, you never know some of the techniques might help you.

Having breastfed Taylor to sleep for 10 months it’s going to be hard but I can’t wait to take on the challenge, have you found yourself to be in a similar situation, how did you handle it?

  • Taylor is so cute, I can’t imagine the struggle and the challenge to keep your baby to sleep without needing to be breast feed. I wouldn’t know how to.. as I never been a mother before. I hope that soon he will be independent and that can fall asleep on its on without needing to breast feed to sleep. So far you are doing a fantastic job. Keep us up to date. Take care x

  • I breastfed my first for 17 months and dreaded the day when I had to stop however in all fairness he quickly got used to the idea after a few nights of being given a bottle by his Daddy. Good luck I hope your new routine works 🙂

  • Erica Price

    I wouldn’t really worry about breastfeeding to sleep. We mostly did that or used car/pushchair until he was ready to go to sleep on his own. I would just go with the flow a little, but interesting that he needs more daytime sleep.

  • sarah Lea

    I’ve been there! Only I wasnt breastfeeding, my (eldest) son use wouldn’t fall asleep without me until he was 18 months old!! He would want feeding constantly, it was really hard. I didn’t have anyone to help me. Bubbaroo would have been a huge help! I’m glad you’re getting help and I am sure Taylor will soon get use to the new routine. He is SO cute! xx

  • Good luck with this. I’d be interested to follow your journey – hope the sleep gets better! He’s gorgeous by the way! x

  • Random Musings

    Good luck! Sounds like you got off to a good start, hopefully he will adapt well for you!

  • Hayley McLean

    Oooh good luck!!! It sounds like its off to a promising start. I like the sound of it going in phases, sounds much more manageable that way! xx

  • Hope it goes well! My daughter needed us to lay next to her till she drifted off… until I roped the dog in! Our dog just slept by her bed and she was very happy after that! Our labrador was our saviour!

  • Janine

    Ohhh..completely up to everyone but I would never go the rocking routine again. We had to rock Matthew to sleep until the age of 2 1/2. Nightmare. We then changed to the controlled crying routine. Best thing ever. Can be used on babies from 6 months. Not making this mistake again with chloe

  • Pingback: Bubbaroo Baby Sleep Diary Week #1 - Leelee Loves()

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