#AD| Safer Sleep for Babies with Bounty and the Lullaby Trust

Whether you’re a first-time parent or about to have your fifth baby. Parenting, babies and all of the recommended guidelines (that change year by year) are an absolute minefield.

I still recall that feeling of fear as the imminent arrival drew closer.

Bounty helps families in the transition to parenthood, through each key life stage. From pregnancy to birth to pre-school. Bounty helps provide 45,000 mums a week with timely advice and expert knowledge, introducing carefully chosen products and services to mums is invaluable at this precious time.

I received my first Bounty pack when pregnant with my now 5-year-old. I was given it by my midwife at my first appointment.  It was full of expert advice, money off vouchers, a mini sudocrem pot, stretch mark creams, pampers nappies, wipes, ect.

Bounty have teamed up with Safe Sleep charity the Lullaby Trust to give expectant parents to low down on safe sleep for their new arrivals within the pack.

The Bounty website also has a safer sleep section produced in association with the Lullaby Trust (http://www.bounty.com/pregnancy-and-birth/safer-sleep) which offers advice on all aspects of safer sleep for babies.

Here are just a few of the Safe Sleep for Babies Guidelines – 

See the bounty website for the full low-down on safe sleep for your little ones.

  • You should always place your baby on their back to sleep and not on their front or side (unless your doctor has advised you of a medical reason to do so)
  • The safest place for your baby to sleep for the first 6 months is in a separate cot or Moses basket in the same room as you
  • The chance of SIDS is lower when babies sleep in a separate cot in the same room as their parents
  • The safest place for your baby to sleep is on their own sleep surface, in the same room as you, for at least the first six months.
  • A room temperature of 16-20°C, with light bedding or a lightweight well-fitting baby sleep bag that is comfortable and safe for sleeping babies.
  • Smoking both during pregnancy and after your baby is born greatly increases the chance of SIDS, and your baby can be affected by either you or your partner smoking.


If you haven’t received yours from your midwife, make sure you ask next time you see her, alternatively, you can contact them directly via the Bounty App. You can also collect you other packs from Tesco, Boots and Asda.

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