The Penguin Readarama

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  • Publication Date: July 27, 2024
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The lovely folks over at Penguin towers have set about encouraging everyone to read more, they plan to make 2013 the year of reading!

It really is as simple as reading a book a week.
Talk about it, share your thoughts with everyone but most of all enjoy it. You can read any books you like, or you can follow the reading list along with the reader at Readarama.
This week the secret reader at Penguin is reading Judith O’Reilly’s A Year of Doing Good, Judith will be guest posting over at Readarama on Wednesday so make sure you check that out if you’re a fan.

A book a week may sound like a lot but it isn’t, they aren’t suggesting you read war & peace in a week, a nice short novel is where it’s at for me! 

Make good use of your daily commute to work, that’s when I do most of my reading.
Read in the bath everyone does it… Be careful not to drop your book!
You can also sneak in 10 minutes before bed, you can literally read anywhere.

Readarama has officially begun, visit the Readarama Facebook page or pledge your allegiance and tell the world you’re taking part by tweeting with the hashtag #Readarama

If you have a blog you can also find the Readarama badge like the one in my side bar to show everyone that you’re taking part!

You can find out more about Readarama over on the website

I particularly like the design of the website built by Rebekha Ford and love the chosen colour pallete almost as much as Impress A Penguin!


Let us know if you’re taking part and share your favourite books in the comments below.

  • Adam


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