The October Club

What is The October Club you ask? Well, it is a youtube based book club of sorts started by the lovely Carrie Fletcher, unlike your average book club this particular one is not based around everyone reading one book at the same time.

The general idea is that everyone reads a book, any book… you choose.

All you do then is share your thoughts with everyone to inspire and encourage others to read more. The aim is to read one book per week throughout the month of October, I myself shall not be making a video response for The October Club as I don’t do videos! But I will share my thoughts right here for you all to see at the end of each book which may not be one per week but I will try to fit them all in!

You can see my four chosen books listed below, I am currently reading book one ‘On The Island’ by Tracey Garvis-Graves as recommended to me by Kirsty of the Editorial Girls ( @EditorialGirls ) at Penguins Michael Joseph.

Here is a video of Carrie telling you all about The October Club

  • Adam

    This girl has a very annoying voice she makes me not want to read… ever.

  • bryan adams

    Annoying girl in video

  • John From Kent

    Adam the girl in the video is very good stop being an idiot. DUH brain.

  • Adam

    John, I possess a certain set of skills, skills which make me a nightmare for people like you….

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