On-the-go energy in an instant with Lyons coffee bags

If you’d have offered me a cup of coffee 2 years ago I’d have grimaced at you. I was not a coffee drinker.  And, I had no intentions of becoming one. Coffee for me went as far as a chocolate laced iced drink on the way to the office and nothing more.

Since becoming a parent I’ve found myself accepting caffeine. Needing that extra boost to keep going and wanting coffee!

Rushing around with a little one, and being constantly on the go, I don’t always have time to stand around brewing my morning caffeine fix. In a bid to solve this I’ve been trying out the new Lyons Coffee bags to see if I can get my caffeine fix quickly and on the go.

Initially, I wondered if a coffee bag were going to be a good thing or not. Maybe we should leave the bags to the tea eh? I was so wrong. It works, and it’s a time-saving saviour.

I can pop a coffee bag in my to-go cup moments before we rush out for our next toddler class at 9 am and not need to worry. The instructions recommend that the bag should sit for three to five minutes. Which is perfect for me as I don’t drink my coffee very strong. I pop my coffee in the pushchair and off we go. Happy mummy!

The man also uses them for work, they’re great for sitting in the office or commuting. They work very much like a tea bag and produce a great quality coffee. At £2.60 for a box of 18, it’s a huge saving compared to the cost of takeaway coffees on the usual commute. I’ve been known to spend more than £2.60 on one cup when I could have been doing myself and have 18 cups for the same price.

I’ve used them in the home and outside and loved the convenience.


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