Author Interview: Pippa Croft - AKA Phillipa Ashley!

The lovely folk at Penguin books have asked Pippa Croft some fantastic questions about her new book The first Time We Met for all of you book lovers and Penguin fans! pippa_croft

Your new book The First Time We Met explores falling for the wrong sort of guy. What inspired you to write this story? Do you think many readers will identify with Lauren?

I really hope that readers will identify with what Lauren is going through. Writing a book about young people having an amazing time at Oxford has been a dream come true. Not only has it enabled me to relive my time there, but I’ve also been able, I hope, to tap into the fears, hopes and excitement of the students who are there right now. OK, the world I’ve created is a very glamorous one – most students at College wouldn’t be able to live the kind of high end lifestyle that Alexander and Lauren can. However, both Alexander and Lauren also realise that no amount of wealth and privilege can protect them from the emotions that everyone experiences at university, at one time or another: feeling like a fish out of water, homesickness, finding your feet in an alien world and of course, falling in love. On top of that, Alexander has some extra issues to deal with arising from the loss of his mother and his job in the Army… my characters are getting a very bumpy ride indeed.

You went to Oxford, does this story have any personal context? 

Absolutely! My time there was one of the most exciting, fun and terrifying periods of my life: it was a massive culture shock at first and has influenced the way I think ever since. I learned to stand on my own two feet and have the confidence to be my own person, like every student does. Many of the friendships I made, have lasted to this day and some of the people I knew have helped me with the book. I’m also very proud that my daughter chose to go to the same college as me and in fact, we’re the first mum and daughter ever to do that.

Did you do any research for The First Time We Met

Did I do any research? Only masses!!! I’m sure I’ve driven many people insane with questions about hunting, horses, US food and drink, fashion, art, stately homes etc Although I’ve been back to Oxford and Cambridge many times and had some juicy tales from my days there, I still ‘recycled’ lots of anecdotes from my daughter and her friends who are the same age as the characters – some of them are even doing the same courses.

I definitely couldn’t have written this book without the help of my online and Real Life American friends who were a constant source of advice on language, attitudes, politics and culture – such as what would the American students eat and drink at their party? I remember one debate on Facebook that centred on the different between knickers and panties that ran to over 100 comments, and has us all RFLMAO. Once lunchtime comes around, I’m often messaging US friends who have only just crawled out of bed, to ask another question.

However, perhaps the most fun and the trickiest part of the research was finding out about Alexander’s ‘job’ in the Army – I can’t say too much about it or he’d have to kill me. I was lucky enough to bump into an old university friend at a reunion who’d been in Special Forces and knew things that made my eyes pop out. I’m very grateful to him and an author friend for their help.

What authors, books, or ideas have influenced you most?

Jane Austen, definitely, I love the banter and sexual chemistry in Pride & Prejudice and the emotional subtlety of Persuasion. However, I also like thrillers and crime. Ian Rankin is my favourite crime author and read a lot of non-fiction. Aas research for The First Time We Met , I read The Junior Officers Reading Club by Patrick Hennessy which I keep picking up now and dipping into.

What’s your next writing project?

Finishing the Second Time I Saw You, 0f course!


Pippa’s new book The First Time We Met published yesterday 13th February 2014) , you can buy a copy here. This is the first book in the Oxford blue Series by Pippa, twitter has been awash with people talking about this book and everyone wants to get their hands on a copy.

Don’t forget to read the exclusive extract we  shared yesterday from the book to find out why and watch the fan promo video!

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